Perioperative morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgeries at the Instituto Nacional Cardiovascular, Lima, Peru, during the year 2023




Cardiac Surgery, Mortality, Peru


Objective. Determine postoperative mortality and postoperative complications of patients undergoing cardiac surgery in the Cardiovascular Surgery Service of the Instituto Nacional Cardiovascular, EsSalud, Lima, Peru, in the year 2023. Materials and Methods. We carried out a descriptive, retrospective study of the patients' medical records. Results. In 2023, 538 cardiac surgeries were performed in our center; overall mortality was 5.6%; however, mortality from elective surgeries was 4.1%. The mortality of isolated coronary surgery was 1.9% and of isolated valve surgery was 0.7%. Stroke occurred in 1.5% of patients; re-operation due to bleeding was performed in 8.1% of cases. The most frequently performed surgery was valve surgery (either isolated or multivalvular) with 40.1% of cases, followed by coronary surgery with 28.6%. The hospital stay for coronary surgery had a median of 9.9 days (8-12), and for isolated valve surgery it was 12.8 days (10-14). Conclusions. The postoperative results of cardiac surgery at the National Cardiovascular Institute are acceptable and comparable to those of other international high-volume surgical centers.


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