About the Journal

Archivos Peruanos de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, created in December 2019, is the official scientific journal of the National Cardiovascular Institute - INCOR, which provides a space for the dissemination of research related to cardiovascular health at the institutional level, National and international; within the international standards of scientific publication. It is a peer-reviewed, quarterly publication with free full-text access.

The Journal only receives original contributions in Spanish and English, which have not been previously published in part or in full, nor have they been sent to other indexed scientific journals, in original language or translated, regardless of acceptance for publication. These contributions are distributed in the following sections: Editorial; Original Articles, Brief Originals; Review articles; Case reports; Special articles and Letters to the Editor.

The Journal has a plagiarism detection policy, which it uses in Plagscan's detection system before starting the editorial process of each article, thus ensuring that the contribution has not been improperly copied from other publications.

Peer-review. The articles are evaluated by two or more reviewers (double blind), who are selected according to their expertise on the subject, proven through their publications and academic degrees; Likewise, there is the support of expert reviewers in biostatistics and epidemiology who will focus on the methodological aspects of the studies. In all cases, the participation of the reviewers is anonymous and ad honorem. The reviewer rating can be: a) publication is recommended without modifications; b) publishable with minor observations, which are recommendations for improving the article; c) with major observations, whose response is essential before accepting the publication of the article; d) with invalidating observations, recommending not to publish the article. Based on the comments of the reviewers, the Editorial Team will decide whether to publish the article, reject it, or send comments to the author. The author must send the corrected article and, in a separate document, the response to each of the comments sent, having a maximum period of thirty days to respond. The observations by the reviewers and the Editorial Committee must be satisfactorily resolved at the discretion of the Editorial Team for the publication of the article to be decided. It is possible that the corrected article will be sent to an additional reviewer before considering its final publication.