Peer review process

Peer review seeks to guarantee the quality of the articles that are published. Research articles are evaluated by two or more reviewers in double-blinded mode (since January 2021, and following the communication practices of open science, the opening to the peer evaluation process is allowed, not being a requirement that it be a blind or double-blind evaluation), who are selected according to their expertise on the subject, proven through their publications and academic degrees; Likewise, there is the support of expert reviewers in biostatistics and epidemiology who will focus on the methodological aspects of the studies. In all cases, the participation of the reviewers is ad honorem. Editorials and letters to the editor are evaluated only by the Editorial Team, except in cases where, by agreement, the participation of an external reviewer is required.

The reviewer rating can be: a) publication is recommended without modifications; b) publishable with minor observations, which are recommendations for improving the article; c) with major observations, whose response is essential before accepting the publication of the article; d) with invalidating observations, recommending not to publish the article. For research articles, reviewers may suggest that the article be published as a short original or letter to the editor.

Based on the comments of the reviewers, the Editorial Team will decide whether to publish the article, reject it, or send comments to the author.

Editorial Team members who are authors of manuscripts must comply with the same requirements specified in the Instructions for Authors. These manuscripts will follow the editorial process without any participation of the member involved, refraining from participating in the discussions of the Editorial Committee sessions where the article is reviewed or decided upon. This member will not have access to any information about the editorial process of the article, nor will know the assigned reviewers. In addition, members of the Editorial Team will declare their potential conflicts of interest with respect to such articles so that the rest of the committee can evaluate whether or not the article should be considered for publication.